اخر الاخبار المحليه والعالميه

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ارشف في نوفمبر 2010

a. Knowledge and Understanding

a1- Describe the Egyptian electrical network

a2- Identify the development of energy utilization in recent

a3- Enumerate the characteristics of different loads

a4- Outline the concepts of investment and depreciation in
power system

a5- Mention the benefits of economic operation of power

a6-  State the main differences  between electrical power plants
  1. b. Intellectual Skills

b1- Differentiate between various curves and factors
describing different types of loads
b2- Distinguish the methods used to define the operating tariffs
of electrical energy.
b3- Predict the situations where the transmission losses have to
be considered and where they have to be omitted.
b4- Develop mathematical models of the optimization problem
and analyze the problem to find the suitable solution.
b5- Choose the suitable type of power plants depending on
their features, and technical and economical conditions

اقرأ المزيد...

The course aims at providing the basic knowledge required by practicing engineers for dealing

with economics and operation of power systems to:

• Realize the different load curves and factors used in
defining the loading conditions of power system.

• Recognize the operating tariffs of electrical energy
and selecting the most proper one depending on the
load profile.

• Enhance the economic operation of power systems
to achieve the minimum cost operation under
different loading conditions.

• Encourage dealing with main types of power plants
including conventional and non-conventional types

اقرأ المزيد...